User Experience Research

My personality was made for research.  In other words, there are two activities I never tire of:

  1. Asking questions.

  2. Noticing details. 

I want to know why people make the decisions they do, how they process the world around them, and how they interact with the products and programs they use every day. As I’ve progressed in my career, I’ve learned how to match my questions with the best methodology, so I can find the answers.


Writing and Editing

I write the way I research—with the user in mind. Words are not useful, after all, unless people can understand them. I think about grammar, punctuation, and diction, but as someone who largely works in tech, I consider cognitive load as well. I always ask myself, "Is this content overwhelming?" If it is, I organize content into manageable chunks, utilize lists when possible, and craft meaningful headings and titles. If content is king, then form is its queen, and I try to reflect that in everything I write.

Editing is part and parcel to writing. Everyone needs an editor—even editors!  And so I do the same with editing. I keep my audience in mind, and I do my best to be as clear, direct, and concrete as possible.